Efforts which developed before or alongside of CS3DP that are also a part of our community—
Born To Be 3D initiative (Library of Congress) - An effort by the LOC to address born-digital 3D models as an emerging content and technology area, as digital preservation approaches and stewardship requirements are not yet mainstream. LOC is interested in this area because digital 3Dmaterials constitute important cultural documentation, facilitate scientific research, and are important digital assets that are becoming part of cultural heritage collections.
Building for Tomorrow (B4T) - Working to preserve the records of significant building projects completely, because the PI’s believe that invested is needed in 3D digital information. B4T work toward ensuring these data are captured and linked or packaged together into a collection that can be easily searched, navigated, and preserved over time.
CLIR 3D Colloquium – An effort from the Council on Library and Information Resources to begin identifying the range of challenges that participants are encountering when working with 3D/VR.
Cultural Heritage Imaging - CHI is a nonprofit organization, dedicated to advancing the state of the art of digital capture and documentation of the world’s cultural, historic, and artistic treasures. They are also building tools to build metadata capture into photogrammetry processes.
Data Curation Network (DCN) - An organization of data and library professionals who collaborate to make research data more useful and available to the public. A related IMLS education grant train professionals in data curation efforts and develop primers in many areas, including 3D data.
IIIF 3D Group - IIIF 3D community group provides an opportunity for institutions interested in interoperability to coordinate strategies and facilitate conversations about open standards that support 3D use cases. Many of the desired operations and interactions with 3D data are similar to the 2D and A/V use cases of IIIF for sharing images and annotation, and organizations are increasingly looking to integrate exhibits, displays, and comparisons of 3D data with other file types.
LIB3DVR - Virginia Tech University Libraries, Indiana University Libraries, and the University of Oklahoma Libraries project working to develop a roadmap and white paper for library adoption of 3D and virtual reality (VR) services.
The Software Preservation Network (SPN) is a leading organization established to advance software preservation through collective action. SPN preserves software through its Affiliated Projects, Strategic Partnerships and member engagement across five core activity areas.